Gold Coins of The World, 9th Ed.
Absolutely essential and unique reference work for any of gold coins collector, researcher or coin dealer. The current, 9th edition of Gold Coins of the World, by Arthur and Ira Friedberg, based on the original work by the late Robert Friedberg (1912-1963), published in 1958.
The authors of this book are a well-known worldwide professional numismatists. Their firm, The Coin & Currency Institute, Inc. is a founding member of the elite International Association of Professional Numismatists. In June 2001 Arthur Friedberg was elected President of the Association, the first American to hold the office. In the subsequent years he was awarded several distinctions, e.g. the title of Honorary President of the IAPN, the Prix d Honneur of the IAPN for Gold Coins of the World (The Best Book of 1992), the Medal of Merit of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), the 1st place Heath Literary Award (The Best Article Award, for his article in The Numismatist in 1993), the Swiss Vrenelli Prize (for outstanding contributions to numismatics), and the American Numismatic ANA’s Presidential Award. Today he is a well-known professional numismatist and expert in world gold coins and U.S. paper money. He is also e.g. a life member of the ANA, and a member of the Professional Numismatists Guild, the editor of Modern World Coins, and the author of a number of articles for The Numismatist.